
Glossary term Description of the term
Ahawa, Berlin The Jewish orphanage in Berlin-Auguststrasse.
Aliyah Hadasha The New Aliyah Party in Palestine/Israel
Ben Shemen Children and Youth Village in Palestine / Israel, founded by Siegfried Lehmann and dating back to the settlement 'Jüdisches Volksheim' Berlin-Scheunenviertel.
Beyt Chaluzot Home for Jewish women who immigrated to Palestine
Blau-Weiss Socialist Zionist German-Jewish youth movement.
B'nai B'rith (U.O.B.B.) Jewish organization dedicated to the promotion of tolerance, humanity and welfare
Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens Central Association of German Jews.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wohlfahrtspflege German Journal of Social Welfare
Gymnasium German Grammar School
Hachshara Zionist training for immigration to Palestine with emphasize on agriculture work
Hahistadrut The official Zionist workers union of the Jewish community in Palestine/Israel.
Hapoel Hamizrachi National-Religious Party in Israel, today the Jewish Home Party.
Hashomer Hatzair Socialist Zionist youth movement
Heilpädagogik Special Education
Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland Helping association of German Jews to improve the economic and cultural situation of Jews in Eastern Europe
Hitachduth Oley Germania (H.O.G.) The Association of German immigrants in Palestine/Israel.
Israelitischer Gemeindebund Association of Israelite communities
Jüdische Altershilfe Jewish aid for the elderly
Jüdische Kinderhilfe Jewish children’s aid in Berlin-Auguststrasse.
Jüdische Winterhilfe Jewish winter aid.
Jüdische Wohlfahrtspflege und Sozialpolitik Journal of Jewish Welfare Work and Social Policy.
Jüdisches Volksheim The Jewish settlement founded by Siegfried Lehmann in Berlin-Scheunenviertel.
Jugend- und Wohlfahrtsamt Youth and Welfare Office
Jugendamt Youth Welfare Office
Kameraden German-Jewish socialist youth movement
Mapay party The Jewish labor workers party in Mandatory Palestine/Israel
Meir-Shefya youth village A religious Zionist youth village in Palestine
Mizrachi movement A religious Zionist movement in Palestine
Mizrachi women’s movement A religious Zionist women’s movement.
Nationalökonomie National economy
Palästina-Amt Palestine Office of the Zionist movement, that took care for Aliyah-candidates
Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus A well-known institution for training Kindergarten-teachers, including several children’s care institutions in Berlin-Schöneberg
Realschule Secondary School
Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden Representation of German Jews in the Germany
Soroptimist International (SI) An international service club for women in responsible positions in professional life
Soziale Frauenschule German social women’s school, later welfare schools and schools for social work
Sozialpädagogisches Seminar Verein-Jugendheim Berlin-Charlottenburg The social pedagogical seminary of the ‘Verein-Jugendheim Berlin-Charlottenburg’, headed by Anna von Gierke
Vaad Leumi The general council of the Jewish community in Mandatory Palestine/Israel
WIZO Women's International Zionist Organization
Wohlfahrtsamt Welfare Office
Youth Aliyah A Zionist project which helped youth to escape from Europe to Palestine during WWII
Zentrale für private Fürsorge Welfare institution that emerged from the German Society for Ethical Culture, today 'German Central Institute for Social Issues' (DZI).
Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland (ZWST) Central Welfare Bureau for Jews in Germany
Zionistische Studentengruppe (ZIST) Zionist Student’s Organization in Germany
Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD) Zionist Union in Germany, which published the ‘Jüdische Rundschau’
Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung Berlin Zionist Association
Centralbureau für Jüdische Auswanderungsangelegenheiten Central Bureau of Jewish Emigration Affairs of the 'Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland' (Berlin)
Hagana Jewish paramilitary organization in British Mandate Palestine (1921–48), which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces
Emunah Israeli child, family and welfare support organization.
Shlomit An organization for voluntary aid and civil service
Matav Israeli nursing support organization, foundet in 1958, spezialising in providing and developing services for the elderly and services in the field of welfare.
Deutsch-Israelitischer Gemeindebund’ German-Israeli community union
Ahava Children and Youth Village Children and Youth Village in Kiryat Bialik, which was formerly an orphanage in Berlin-Auguststr. and moved to Israel in 1938.
Soziale Frauenschule Genf Social women's school in Geneva, Switzerland, foundet in 1918.
Aliyah Hadasha Political party in Mandatory Palestine and Israel, established by immigrants from Germany and Austria.
Jüdische Mädchenschule Girl's elementary school of the Jewish community in Berlin-Auguststr, foundet in 1835
Verein Jugendheim Charlottenburg Founded in 1894 and provided offers for the school-age worker's youth. Later, it hosted the 'Sozialpädagogische Seminar' founded by Anna von Gierke.
KPD The Communist Party of Germany (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands).
Deutsche Demokratische Partei (DDP) German Democratic Party
Jüdischer Frauenbund (JFB) Jewish women's union
Palästinaamt German bureay of the Jewish Agency
Hovevei Yerushalayim Organization, which promoted civic improvement projects in the city of Jerusalem. In particular, it worked with youth from so-called “Oriental” families, or those who had come to Israel from Arab countries. Founded by Eva Michaelis Stern in the early 1950s.
AKIM NGO, National Association for the Habilitation of the Mentally Handicapped in Israel
Brit Halutzim Dati'im Union of Religious Pioneers, a religious youth movement.
Yad Sarah National volunteer organization in Israel, providing health equipment and services
Jüdische Alterhilfe' Jewisch aid organization for the elderly
Hadassah Zionist women's organisation, founded by Henrietta Szold.
American Joint Distribution Committee