Roos, Leah

לאה רוז
Leah Roos was born on 5.6.1910 in Germany and died in Israel (year unknown). After receiving training as a nurse, she attended the Soziale Frauenschule in Frankfurt am Main, where her major field of study was health welfare work. After graduating in 1932, she worked as a volunteer at Frankfurt’s municipal welfare bureau. In that same year, Leah was a candidate for the Department of Social Work in Jerusalem. In 1935, she was sent by Zipora Bloch from Jerusalem’s Department of Welfare to work as a social worker in Tiberias, after which Leah wrote a detailed report in Hebrew about her extensive work there. There is evidence that she planned to establish a provident loan fund for people in need. It is also possible that she was the donor of the Chana-Lea Roos immigrant living quarters and kindergarten at Bney Zion Israel in 1956.
Archival Materials
Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem (J1\7761/2 and J1/1070); Municipal archives Frankfurt