אילזה שטרן
Elsa Belah Sternberg (née Else Rosenblüth) was born in 1899 in Messingwerk/Eberswalde Germany and died in Kfar Saba Israel (year unknown, after 1991). She was born into a Jewish-orthodox family. Her parents were Fanny and Samuel Rosenblüth, who had a leading position at the Hirsch-Company in Messingwerk/Eberswalde. Elsa was the youngest sister of Felix Rosenblüth (later Pinchas Rosen), who was a leading German Zionist and a founder of the Blau-Weiß youth movement in 1911. In 1910, the family moved to Berlin. Elsa became attracted to Zionism in an early age. In Berlin, she was trained as a kindergarten teacher at the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus in Berlin-Schöneberg. She also studied special education and nursery care. Between 1917 and 1920, Elsa volunteered at the Jüdisches Volksheim, the Jewish settlement founded by Siegfried Lehmann in Berlin-Scheunenviertel. She founded an association which supported Lehmann’s work in Kovno and later in the Ben Shemen Youth Village. Elsa immigrated to Palestine together with her husband in 1933. At first, she worked in her husband’s business. Later, she received further training in psychology and worked as an educational counsellor. Elsa was a member of the Independent Liberal Party.
Fanny Rosenblüth
Samuel Rosenblüth, who had a leading position at the Hirsch-Company in Messingwerk/Eberswalde
Felix Rosenblüth (Pinchas Rosen), who was a leading german zionist and founder of Blau-Weiss in 1911
Year of Migration
Archival Materials
Leo-Baeck-Insitute, Berlin/New York/Jerusalem; The Hebrew university oral history archive (interviews n. 28/234 and 50/180)